Templates To Review
I went over the templates that you sent me and filled them out to the best of my knowledge and my articulation. You know I am not good in articulation 🙂
Few things;
  1. I focused on ONE problem with ONE target audience Problem: Not accurate Sales pipeline Audience: VP of Sales, Director of Sales,  Sales and Operation….etc
  2. I didn’t fill out a lot of  Template 3 ( Ideal Client Avatar) because I don’t know that. I always worked with IT
  3. I didn’t fill out template 5 (Point of Difference). I sent couple of that out to couple of people I worked with in the past and waiting for their feedback.
The asks
  1. Can you please review attached templates in details and let me know if I need to modify/add anything else?
  2. What are next steps?
  3. I will for sure need to tell you my thought process when I wrote this. But feel free to review them and give me your feedback.
Mohammed Khaliefa
Templates To Review
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