Introducing The Blockchain Era.
Hi, I am new here and Steve said to write something about who I am and what I do and what I hope to achieve in The Results Mastery University. I am known in Crypto Circles as Grandpa Crypto because i am over 80 YOA, have Grandchildren and educate people about how to get involved in The Blockchain and Crypto world and more importantly, avoid the scams and pitfalls, and there are many as I well know as I have kissed a few Frogs! So if you would like to put a toe into The Blockchain in a legal, regulated and safe way let me know and I can introduce you to The Blockchain Era. It won't bite and could well change the way you handle some of your finances going forward. My aim in the next few months is to teach as many people as possible how they can secure extra income from learning about The Blockchain and how it can enhance and change their lives, as it has mine.
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Andy Vining
Introducing The Blockchain Era.
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