Welcome to the Restaurant Owners Skool Group!
My name is Doug Jacobson. I am the owner of Loreley Beer Garden in New York City and the Founder of ION Hospitality. I've created this group to help Restaurant Owners get more customers and keep them coming back. Like most owners, I struggled for years figuring out how to increase sales, decrease costs and create a successful restaurant. I'd like to use this opportunity to share whats worked for me, and help connect restaurant owners to grow, collaborate and network with other owners!
I was a Restaurant GM at 21 years old, and I became an Owner at 27. As a young owner, there was a time where I was almost a million dollars in debt and running $100k balance on my personal credit cards to survive. Nobody in my life really knew what I was going through. Not my employees, not my friends, not my family, nobody. It's one thing to understand the financial responsibility. It's another to live it every day.
With the fear of bankruptcy haunting me every day, I had no choice but to push forward. I know what it took for you to get here. I have been there. But I promise you, there is a systematic way to increase sales that will work in any city in the world. I can tell you that because I've lived it, and today I am debt free.
Since taking over Loreley Beer Garden, I have increased annual sales by over 300% using mostly social media marketing and avertising, and a series of strategies to attract new customers & keep them coming back again and again.
Over my 15 year career in hospitality, I have learned what works and more importantly what doesn't work. I've tried it all. I've seen what has worked for other restaurants and I've seen far too many close their doors for the last time. I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last 10 years in social media advertising figuring out what works, so you don't have to.
I'd love to share what I have learned through my own trials and tribulations, and use my network to help create a series of master classes and fool-proof courses for restaurant owners to grow their own businesses.
You're not alone. Let's take this ride together.
Doug Jacobson
Welcome to the Restaurant Owners Skool Group!
Restaurant Owners
We help restaurants get more customers and keep them coming back. Learn how we systematically increased annual sales by 300%!
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