Introductions Script!!
Lurkers!! Read this!
Before you go any further, I want to remind you that the most valuable aspect of Skool is the community. I myself have lurked YouTube and Reddit for years, watching and reading all the restaurant content I could possibly soak in. Never interacting and never joining the community. Never going to networking events and never meeting other owners. I consider myself an introvert and even creating this course is really putting myself out there.
Here I am 10 years later, knowing that if I had worked on my network and met other owners sooner, we could have learned so much faster and grown even bigger. So, I insist that to you don't make that same mistake.
Introduce yourself to the community, tell us about your restaurant, link your socials so we can learn more about you and think about how we can help each other. For now, this will be the only place & time for you to self promote within this community.
How To:
Head over to the Community Tab on the top left
Click Write Something
Imporant: Select Category: Introductions!!!
Copy, Paste and Edit the below script
Start growing your network and meeting other Owners, Operators, Managers & Chefs TODAY!!
Example Script:
Hey Everyone!!
I am [Full Name], the [My Title] of [Restaurant Name] and we're a [Restaurant Type]. We're located in [City/State/Country]. I joined the Restaurant Owners community because [Reason why you're here]. I am hoping to learn [What you want to learn from this course].
I think I can be valuable to the community because [Something you feel knowledgable and can add to the community]! I am looking to get to know everyone! If anyone feels like I can add value to their business, please reach out!
Full Name: [Full Name]
My Title: [My Title]
Restaurant: [Restaurant Name]
Restaurant Type: [Restaurant Type]
Location: [City/State/Country]
You can find us on:
Website: [Full URL]
Facebook: [Full URL]
Instagram: [Full URL]
TikTok: [Full URL]
YouTube: [Full URL]
1 comment
Doug Jacobson
Introductions Script!!
Restaurant Owners
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