The Thrivers Roadmap
Here's what the journey ahead looks like:
Step 1: Understanding that your thoughts are not you
Step 2: Get in the habit of being aware of your thoughts
Step 3: Do your first fear-based action beyond the thought
Step 4: Find your fulfilment
Step 5: Take action towards your fulfilled life / business
A note about the above steps:
Reaching all five steps is possible, but it's a long road ahead.
If you're only manifesting based on ego alone then you probably won't make it.
The solution is to fall in love with your path. To surrender to your heart's truth. Not trying to make things happen but you let things happen through deep acceptance and surrender.
A note about thoughts:
Thoughts are as important as you make them. We can use our brains to direct us to positive outcomes in our life. We can imagine the heart being the ship and the brain being the sailor. They say "follow your bliss", or "listen to your heart" for a reason. The heart is the first organ to grow in the human body. Once we master listening to the heart we can experience more fulfilment in life.
A note about action.
Action is an emotion, not a thought process! If you're thinking about taking action, you're back in the mind. You're experiencing the ego and the ego only begets more ego. Otherwise known as resistance, procrastination, doubt, and fear. The heart however is emotion. E-MOTION energy in motion! If you want to move you have to FEEL! The more you lock feelings and emotions towards something the more you'll take action towards it. Think about the desire for your sexuality. For most people, this emotion controls them and gets them to take massive action. What if you had that much emotion and desire to achieve the goal? Where it's so strong that you can't help it!
A note about fulfilment.
Change the rules in your mind that you have to achieve something big in order to be fulfilled. Take away the destination and understand that the destination is right under your nose... The heart! When you wake up each day set the RULE that you are fulfilled and happy just for being live. Practice this every morning. You don't need to achieve anything because your biggest goal in life has been achieved by just waking up "BEING ALIVE". Now you're in the vibration of fulfilment thus manifesting more of it through owning the vibration of the thing you want.
A note about "WINS":
I've added a "WINS" post category. I think this will add to the energy of the group. Whenever you hit part of the roadmap, make a post! We will keep track of how many people are at each level.
Also, feel free to post other celebrations, not on the roadmap.
Final notes:
This roadmap is definitely not final. If you see any problems with it, comment below. If you can think of anything you think should be added, comment below.
Gavin Speaks
The Thrivers Roadmap
Thrive Mastermind
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