Hard truth about starting a business…
Here’s the hard truth about starting a new business:
It will be painful… and take more from you than you can fathom.
It’s the sacrifice you truly need to ‘make it’
But in the end it will be worth every single late night, and struggle.
Success or failure doesn’t matter.
When you start a new business, a new hobby, or anything you commit yourself too…
There will ALWAYS be a learning phase - and it will always humble you. Make no mistake about it.
This is life’s way of weeding out the wannabes from the people who actually deserve it.
So when you see somebody in your industry doing things out of the norm (like making $50k/mo plus)...
Understand they’ve already been through hell and back and went through their first “learning phase”.
(yes, there will be more than just one “learning phase”)
So the best thing you can do is to soak up as much of the lessons they’ve learned to help navigate through your own journey.
Pay attention to how they think… communicate… and solve problems.
The more you can learn from them….
The quicker you’ll cut down your time in the “trenches” of business.
Because the reality is, at some point, the excitement of starting something new and shiny will dwindle.
And if you haven’t reminded yourself of just how difficult it will be, you’ll end up like the 90% of first time businesses who fail after the first year (if you even make it that far)
So read-up, absorb all the insights you can, and prepare to take a few punches to get what you want out of business and life.
Johnny Robinson
Hard truth about starting a business…
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