FYI, anyone selling a service guaranteeing listings / leads / appointments can't actually guarantee you anything. It's a sleezy marketing tactic used to get you to book in a sales call and then they hit you with a laundry list of conditions that have to be met in order to be eligible for a guarantee. I used to do this about 3 years ago after being advised by a mentor but then realised it was just a sales trick and not an authentic promise. Guarantee's are a symptom of low status in the market place. So all the offers you see running with "Get an extra 5 listings or you don't pay & we'll work with you 'till we die" guarantee = low status. Low status = high risk = high guarantee to offset the risk. High status = low risk = no guarantee to offset the risk. Most direct response offers have guarantees in them as the prospect just met the offer for the first time and hence no status and thus the guarantee is required. Some food for thought 🤔