The most common forms of marketing to distressed sellers are cold calling, text messaging, post cards, door knocking, radio ads, TV ads, Facebook ads, etc. All of these require a lot of paid monthly marketing expenses or just personal time.
I'm always thinking of ways you can create marketing you pay for once, yet get paid for it over and over again.
Well, I spent $278.45 one time to get branding on my work truck that has created several leads since then, with this one being the first potential closed deal.
This is a used double-wide mobile home that I can either
A. Buy extremely cheap, fix it up all for under $20K purchase and rehab and then sell it for $45,000 cash and make about $25,000 or sell for $55K with a $25K down payment, net $5K upfront, $35K total net and $700-$800/month monthly mortgage payments to me. (Owner finance)(3-5 months to rehab and then sell)
B. Wholesale to an end buyer to make a very quick $10K. (Less than 30 days)
Which option would you choose & why?