We have over 60 members in our community here in such a short amount of time, which is AMAZING!!
That also means we should have AT LEAST 60 introduction posts! The #1 thing I've seen that blocks most people from acheiving the success they desire, is themselves! Just following directions or just showing up.
There is SO much value this group already has and to come, but you must commit to even the small and simple steps in order to prepare for the bigger more difficult actions.
I love how in the Bible, David didn't just defeat Goliath because God just gave him the strength. The strength in The Lord was already made available to Him, but David practiced on the lion and the bear.
We can't expect to defeat our Goliath's if we ignore the lion and the bear.
With that being said, if you have not watched our group's #👋 Welcome Video and then made your introduction, please do so today!