New Members
What's up, guys! we recently had several new people join the community so i wanted to welcome everyone! If you recently joined i just ask that you start by filling out the questionnaire provided on the pinned welcome post!
we have all kinds of resources in the classroom with MUCH more to come! these resources are unlocked through participation. likes, comments, and general participation will unlock all the resources as you move up!
ALSO, we have daily classes available for you from 5 different coaches. Each coach has a different holistic perspective essential for TRUE healing. I encourage you guys to check these classes out in order to learn, build community, and connect with the coaches. We will pour into you as long as you show up and participate!
monday- identity with Callyn - numeroloy, human design, and enneagram
tueday- nutrition and detoxification with Matt
wednesday- womens health and hormone balancing with Paige
thursday- communication and intimacy with Ian
Sunday- energy work and spiritual gifts with Rebel
comment below about specific classes you'd like to see for any of the above categories. we will ensure we create the classes to fulfill those needs!
Much love!
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Matt Michaels
New Members
Refreshed Healing Community
For spiritually minded people who want to heal holistically through detox, nutrition, identity, mindset, spiritual development, and communication
Leaderboard (30-day)
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