What the f*ck is your content strategy?
This content game is more chess than checkers and just throwing 💩 at the wall (algorithm) and not understanding analytics and iterating your strategy based on numbers and feedback is a huge mistake…
Yes, everyone is in this for the money…💯
But, you need to understand traffic equity… Which means you CANT sell too often, especially with a smaller audience…
Provide value, share what you learned, ups and downs…In most cases you are only one step ahead of your audience so they should be relatable…
Nobody wants to be SOLD something every post or every second post…
Give before ever expecting something in return, build trust and equity first…
This change blew up my account and my sales skyrocketed…🚀
It’s time to elevate your game and we are here to help…🙌
Patrick Tobin
What the f*ck is your content strategy?
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