swiftdata transferrable package is updated
Hi, I was able to add the package but the updated package no longer uses the .swiftDataTransferrable() modifier but rather uses a scene builder: SwiftDataTransferrableScene(schema: schema, exportedUTType: "com.YourTeam.persistentModelID") { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } I'm not quite clear on what it wants as schema I added the code as follows: var body: some Scene { SwiftDataTransferrableScene(schema: schema, exportedUTType: "com.YourTeam.persistentModelID") { WindowGroup (id: "ToDoWindow"){ //To do view ToDoView() .onAppear(perform: { openWindow(id: "InProgressWindow") openWindow(id: "DoneWindow") }) .environmentObject(taskRepository) } WindowGroup .defaultSize(width: 500, height: 500) WindowGroup(id: "InProgressWindow") { //In progress view InProgressView() .environmentObject(taskRepository) } .defaultSize(width: 500, height: 500) WindowGroup(id: "DoneWindow") { //Done view DoneView() .environmentObject(taskRepository) } .defaultSize(width: 500, height: 500) } } I'm not sure how to add schema to the code..