Multiply Referrals and Appointments with Layered Marketing
I want to emphasize that, moving forward, the key to successful marketing lies in capturing hearts, cultivating trust, and distinguishing yourself from the crowd. As highlighted by marketing expert Dennis Yu, our focus must be on raising awareness and generating interest among the leads populating the top of our sales funnel. This is crucial for turning prospects into clients. But let's remember, achieving marketing success doesn't simply come from carrying out the basics. Instead, it's about performing the fundamental marketing practices to the highest degree, time and time again. This concept is at the heart of what we call layered marketing, a vital skill for every sales agent. Consider the basic email. Its goal is to generate awareness, but its value comes into play when it provokes thought and garners gratitude from those receiving it. This can be best achieved by following up with a direct phone call.
To this end, you'll find sample marketing emails to use for all your homeowners in your database (copy/paste) as a starting point. You're encouraged to adapt it to your own style and fill it in with up-to-date information about the housing market (It was written with CHATGPT after about 3 suggestions in less than two minutes). You can use CHAT GPT to update your local monthly stats directly from the MLS using the attached sample email.
Subject Line: Current Market Overview: Inventory Shortage and Rising Home Prices
I trust this message finds you in good spirits. I'd like to briefly discuss the current real estate market dynamics, which are demonstrating some remarkable trends.
The limited inventory is creating an unparalleled seller's market, even more, competitive than what we observed in 2018 and 2019. Demand is outstripping supply, leading to increased buyer competition and a consequent spike in home prices.
Indeed, we've recently witnessed month-over-month home price appreciation at the national level, a trend indicative of the prevalent market conditions. With the ongoing pressure on the limited inventory, this upward trajectory seems set to continue. Projections suggest that specific markets will likely experience Year-On-Year (YOY) appreciation in the next 90 days, a fascinating scenario that hasn't been common in recent years.
While these conditions can pose challenges for buyers, they also present exciting opportunities. The key lies in understanding these dynamics and making informed decisions.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this. Feel free to reply or call when convenient.
Best Regards,
[Your Name]
After sending your tailored email, use the provided phone script to follow up. This conversation will allow you to gauge the value your information provides to the recipients.
Consistently investing your thought and effort in nurturing relationships with your contacts is what builds their appreciation over time. When done correctly, you'll not only earn their trust and capture their hearts but also distinguish yourself from competitors. This, my friends, leads to the highest conversion rates. By establishing this "know, like, and trust" factor, we'll help people stop waiting and start searching/selling!
As always, I aim to provide you with what the 1% in the industry worldwide are learning and how it is making a difference in their business. If you ever have questions about implementing these tools, reach out. I have 15-mins to spare:)
Justen Martin
Multiply Referrals and Appointments with Layered Marketing
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