How Can We Bust the School To Prison Pipeline?
馃憢馃従 Parents, family members, entrepreneurs, and career professionals can all actively participate in creating a proficiently literate generation beginning with the earliest elementary ages. Here's how:
馃挔 Parents - keep language top of mind. Call attention to interesting words throughout the day. Play age appropriate podcasts on car trips and have conversations with children on the topics being discussed. Take trips to the (stage) theatre. Sing songs emphasizing words.
馃挔 Family members - find out how well the children in your family are reading. There may be some hesitancy or shame with sharing this so be encouraging, positive, and offer to help.
馃挔 Business people / entrepreneurs - host live "teach a child to read" training sessions at your place of business. Identify resources and programs which can help your employees and customers children learn to read.
馃挔 Career professionals - Encourage the professional groups you are a part of to sponsor people and programs dedicated to helping children read.
馃檵馃従鈥嶁檪锔廤hat other ways can you think that concerned citizens can stack hands to change lives through reading?!
Vanessa Nartey
How Can We Bust the School To Prison Pipeline?
Read 2 Exceed
The movement helping children to become proficient readers so they can reap the rewards of reading well.
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