Should I go to a Stem high school?
Hello Rishab Academy community & Rishab
This is something i’ve been contemplating about recently.
There is a well-known Scence and Math academy high school that I can attend.
I dont know if i should, as my goal is to get into MIT/Standford/Harvard. I also am interested in doing research, and they have a research program.
I’m worried about competiveness, as this is also a feeder school to MIT. I feel that there will be students way more talented than me over there that will take my possibility of being an H/S/M student.
What do you think? The course rigor there is also alot so that will leave me with even less time for research and other ec activies.
The grades are also known to be pretty bad, with students rarely getting A's and mostly getting B's and A-'s.
Let me know what you guys think
Shreyan Bhandari
Should I go to a Stem high school?
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