I have personally used this company and I know heavy hitters in the space that do as well!
β With all PPL providers you NEED to benchmark your leads to contract at 1 to 20 leads to land a deal this meaning that if your average cost per lead in your area is $450 than you need to ensure your budgeting for $9,000 cost per contract for this channel
β You'll need to have a dispute process for leads that can have wrong info, bad info, disconnected lines, already listed etc. ENSURE you read each of the PPL providers dispute policy and make sure you do this swiftly in their portals
β We recommend you keep your bid on at night time. A good portion of our contracts have came from various evening hours and landed in a deal
β It's VERY important you hit these leads quickly and don't let them sit. Rule of thumb is hit them within 10 min of coming into the CRM