The Power of Love Dr. Myles Munroe
Hello Family,
I am going to do better with posting in the PSBS. I got busy applying these principles and paused on posting in here. I will work on finding a balance. I miss the synergy that the society provides for all of us in our personal, career, and business lives. There in no excuse for me not posting because we all make time for what we truly want to do no matter how busy we are. I am uploading my videos to Cousin Amir before Thursday this week (collagen). Therefore I will upload and share them in here as well as Facebook YouTube and Instagram. I truly miss collaborating and communicating with all of my family in this Society.
This is my morning Devotional this morning (above video). I thought I would share it with you all as well.
Dr. Myles Munroe transitioned I believe in 2024 but as a result of his books DVDs audio teachings etc. he us still ministering worldwide. His son took over his businesses after he transitioned but he transferred all of his business affairs to his son and mentored him many years before. (It's almost like he knew.) I will be uploading more of his teachings throughout the rest of this year along with my other videos about collagen, health. etc.
Love Y'all, ❤️
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Murletter Stitt
The Power of Love Dr. Myles Munroe
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