Planning According to Scripture
This note series about planning according to scripture is in the beginning phases. It was inspired by 's Morning Meditation that she was ENJOYING HER QUIET MORNING.
Below was a response to her post, but because of her post, it got me to studying and digging deeper. My efforts will be to share how planning, and taking the necessary steps that is found in scripture will help us in business and in Life in general.
Below is a start to this offering.
What does the scripture say about planning?
  • Proverbs 16:9 – The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
So, If we meditate and pray as we begin our day or week and seek the Lords counsel and be attentive to the Lord, then whatever we program / plan for our day will be according to his will.
Always remember as well, that God has an active will and a permissive will and depending upon the situation that we find ourselves in, we will realize whether or not we were acting according to his will or leaning on and toward our own understanding.
Either way, there will always be a lesson learned along the journey.
Thank you again @Diane E Johnson for sharing this Morning Meditation!
~ Khalil
Khalil Muhammad
Planning According to Scripture
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