Amir’s 30 Day Challenge - LEVEL UP - Day 5
Take The Challenge - Step Up To The Plate
This is my 2nd Instructional Video
How to create a YouTube Thumbnail
I had to go back and edit this one because I had shown some of my computer files during the download and save section, so it took longer to get it to you all but it was fun. Learned something in the process.
After finishing the video, I added some additional elements to the thumbnail for more online effect.
You will see the difference. I will upload both to see the difference.
The reason that you see me looking up is because I am using two screens. My Larger monitor is sitting above or higher than my laptop.
I didn't OVERTHINK it... just went ahead and did it. No More OVERTHINKING and No More PROCRASTINATION.
Gonna Use My Microphone the next time so that you can hear the difference.
Lemme know what you think, I pray that someone can and will benefit from the instruction.
Video Link
Day 5 of 's 30 Day Challenge
  1. Day 1
  2. Day 2 - Health is Wealth Pt. 1 , Health is Wealth Pt. 2
  3. Day 3 - How to Hyperlink
  4. Day 4 - Stay Committed
  5. Day 5 - Canva - Make A YouTube Thumbnail
Khalil Muhammad
Amir’s 30 Day Challenge - LEVEL UP - Day 5
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