The Power of Patience, Connection, and Trust in Your Career
In my journey as a cinematographer, I discovered three transformative actions that not only boosted my confidence but can also be applied to any area of life, including our community.
  1. Master Your Tools: I made it a priority to thoroughly learn every piece of equipment I work with. This mastery prepared me to tackle any technical challenges head-on, and it's a reminder that deep understanding of our tools, whether they are cameras or concepts, can empower us to face any obstacles.
  2. Build Strong Relationships: I realized the importance of building strong, genuine relationships with my crew, both on and off the set. This created a collaborative and supportive environment where everyone’s voice was valued. In our community, fostering these connections can lead to a more enriching and engaging experience for everyone.
  3. Trust Your Instincts: I began to trust my instincts more, finding a balance between thorough preparation and the flexibility to improvise when needed. This approach not only enhanced my creativity but also allowed me to lead with confidence. Trusting ourselves and our intuition can lead to greater personal and collective growth.
These principles—mastery, connection, and trust—can transform our experiences and give us the confidence to lead with clarity and creativity, both in our work and within this community.
What are some of the things that give you super powers?
Jordan Oram
The Power of Patience, Connection, and Trust in Your Career
Provision Academy
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