Welcome to a Different You.
I'm so glad you're here. These next 30 days are going to change your life. I want you to work through the Protagonist Protocol at your own pace. Take notes as you go and pause to write down things that resonate with you.
This group is not just for my video program - it's here for you to ask questions and chat with others along the way. Feel free to pop any questions in here and connect with your fellow Protagonist Protocol community.
Remember that we need you. We need people who know how to reach out for help, who know how to share what they're going through. Together, we're a lot stronger. Thanks for being a part of this journey, and I hope you stay along for the ride.
Joseph Abell
Welcome to a Different You.
Protagonist Protocol
The Protagonist Protocol is a 10-step guide to transforming your life in the next 30 days.
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