The Foundation has changed my life!! ❤️
Hello, my name is Natalia and I've been part of the foundation for the selfhealing community since May of this year and my life changed from that moment! because I suffered pain in my body and by applying the technique of TFT I was able to heal and no longer take medications. I was able to go trekking again, which I loved so much! and also helped me to confront difficult situations, were I lost my job but I'm very happy now!! And my son also changed, because he couldn't sleep and after listening the TFT song for kids, he sleeps well all night. It's magical!! I'm very happy and grateful to have healed and to have found a new family that I love so much!! I'm very very very happy and I know that we will able to help many people to heal and and it's amazing. Thank you so much!
What a pleasure to read your testimonial! Wow, you applied the technique and the miracle didn't take long to appear in many areas of your life! I'm really happy for you! Thank you Natalia!
• 17d
It is a blessing and the transformation you have had is powerful, Natalia.
Hi Natalia,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story! It is truly inspiring to hear how TFT has transformed not only your life, but your son's life as well.
I am so glad that you have found joy, health and a sense of family in this community. Your journey is a wonderful reminder of why we do what we do: to bring hope and healing to others.
Together, I am sure we will move forward.🌹
Wow, thank you, Naty!
What an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing! 🥰
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Natalia Mattalia
The Foundation has changed my life!! ❤️
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