The #1 Goal of a Private Money Lender: DON’T LOSE MONEY!!!
Here are the 15 topics we will be covering in the coming weeks to help you AVOID SCAMS and keep your money SAFE. We will deep dive on 1 topic each week, and when we're done you will have ALL the information you need to SAFELY lend your private money on real estate deals. SO MUCH VALUE FOR FREE!!!
  1. Intentional Networking
  2. Information you NEED to do your due diligence on a lead
  3. Vetting the Deal
  4. Vetting the Borrower
  5. Inspecting the Property
  6. State Laws You Need to Know
  7. Resources You Need Before You Lend
  8. Vetting the Title Company / Closing Attorney
  9. Verifying Wiring Instructions
  10. Security Instruments / Paperwork that protects you
  11. Wiring Funds
  12. The Due Diligence Process: A PML Checklist
  13. What to Do When a Borrower Defaults
  14. How to Find Borrowers
  15. How to Raise Private Capital
Stacy Carpenter
The #1 Goal of a Private Money Lender: DON’T LOSE MONEY!!!
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