Every Physical Therapist starts out as a marketing "novice". But that doesn't mean you have to stay that way.
What makes the difference is access to leading edge marketing training, strategies and resources - as well as real time access to what others are doing NOW to market their practice. That is what this SKOOL is all about.
It's about taking physical therapy marketing "novices" - and making marketing EASY and SIMPLE to implement so that success with marketing becomes INEVITABLE.
The Marketing Skool has been built by Paul Gough, a successful 4 location physiotherapy practice owner from the UK, a country with completely FREE health care as his main competitor.
Paul is a six time best selling Author, he created the powerful "PhysioFunnels" marketing platform, and has a proven track record of helping 500+ clinic owners to start and grow their own practice, many becoming millionaires along the way.
Watch the video above to see for yourself how they did it - then request ACCESS...