I got pretty upset at Bob Proctor on one of our Mastermind calls...
10 Years ago I joined my first high ticket mastermind, Life Success with Bob Proctor.
I paid $15,000 and about 6 months into the program I was pissed.
Because I was more broke than when I started, I thought his whole jam was a sham.
I told myself I was showing up to the calls, reading the books, doing the work, starting my own mastermind groups... nothing was working and I blamed Bob.
I wanted a refund.
So I voiced my concerns to him on one of our calls...
He just sat there...
The silence felt like minutes...
Then he asked me a simple question.
Are you carrying your goal card on you?
I immediately felt myself getting defensive and went into a story about all the things that I WAS doing in his program...
He stopped me.
That wasn’t my question.
Have you written out your goal card and are you carrying it on you right now?
I said no.
Well how do you expect this program to work for you if you aren’t going to do the work as it is designed? Writing out your goal card was literally the very first step of this program... and you didn’t do it. You skipped over one of the most important pieces and now you are upset because it isn’t working?
He was right.
And as much as I did not want to admit it... I could see in that moment that I was blaming him, using a litany of excuses, wasn’t really being coachable, or doing the program as it was designed.
I learned an incredibly valuable and humbling lesson on that day.
Likely worth the entire $15,000 investment.
This was the day I learned to to take 100% responsibility for my life and my results and stop blaming other people or circumstances.
I took the coaching.
I went home and wrote out my goal card.
“I am so happy and grateful now that I earn $10,000 a month easily and effortlessly from multiple streams of income in increasing quantities”
I stuck it in a plastic sleeve and carried it on my every day for the next 6 months.
I did take the coaching but I still remember thinking this is so stupid...
as if this is the reason why the program is not working...
Needless to say I had my doubts, but from that day on in the program I trusted the process more, I asked loads of questions, I showed up more humbly and operated from the understanding that it was up to me to generate the value out of this program.
Fast forward 6 months...
One of the projects I took on inside the container was to put on a live event.
I was able to get 88 People in a conference room.
We raised some money for charity. (Big Brothers, Big Sisters)
We heard from some amazing speakers. (like an Olympic gold Medalist)
At the end of the event I was able to present an opportunity to join my mastermind group.
It was $500 for 3 months.
32 People joined.
I made $16,000 in 1 night.
This forever changed the way I thought about money and what's possible.
The $16,000 I earned that night was the least valuable thing that I got out of working with Bob Proctor.
I will be forever grateful for his work.
It has impacted me deeply and in many ways was the catalyst for every good thing in my life today.
Thank you Bob.
Your Work lives on long after you are gone.
Dan Harrison
I got pretty upset at Bob Proctor on one of our Mastermind calls...
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