9 Ways to Build Your Database Tip #4
They can help you obtain clients. These are the people that may never work with you personally.
(You may not want to hire your family, friends etc.) but they can help you fill your business.
They are agents of influence because they are out there talking to people for you. They may be the best client finders for you. Always circle yourself around people of influence for your business.
Impress them, give them value first before you start asking for their network.
People of influence can make a phone call and get you to the people that you need.
Some times our family and friends may not be the best referral agents for us. If so here is a tip!
You can send your best person or someone that is highly skilled that you work with to give them value. Helping your family and friends first is the best way to get them to refer you and give them value in what you do.
They can share what you do and services you offer with them because they may be more impressed by the person that you sent!
This will give you more value and show your family and friends that you have more influence than they thought. They may be a lot more open to give referrals to someone that they don't know and doing business with someone that they don't know.
Hope this helps cousin!!
Tracy Wilson
9 Ways to Build Your Database Tip #4
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