9 Ways to Build your Database Tip #3
Define who you want to talk to and the market you want to be in. Collect names. Service your clients today like you will be servicing them tomorrow.
Make sure you have a marketing campaign that makes you an expert in that area. You will begin to stand out so it is easier for you to collect data -- names, numbers, and emails etc...
When you get names and info, help the people that are ready, and keep the others so you know when you should follow up, when you should talk to them and see what value you can bring to them for free.
Define your target market. If you don't have a niche market and try to help everybody, you will end up not helping anybody. That is a fact!
From the teachings of Dr. Jake
To learn more about how to build your database and for tip #4 Go here ------->> Tip #4
Tracy Wilson
9 Ways to Build your Database Tip #3
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