Powerful Books
Private group
54 members
$127 /month
Want to turn the story you have lived into a published book?
We work with trauma survivors (traumas of all kinds, not just specific to abuse) to go from a blank page to published book in just 3-6 months.
We provide the frameworks to follow, the community and accountability for support, and a team to help you finally get that book written.
Whether you want to write it to find healing, or so that you can help others, both can be achieved with a powerful book.
Put it this way...
You have been put here for a reason, and the fact you are still here today after what you've been through just shows how much light you can bring others who are living in a world of dark.
So let's make it happen.
Hope to see you inside.
Be powerful,
Want to see all the incredible results achieved by our students? Here you go - https://testimonial.to/powerful-books-community/all
Powerful Books
Helping trauma survivors turn their story into a powerful book (to heal and help others)
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