Module 5
Get 'er Done: If you have any stories of laughing through or being grateful in spite of a hard situation, we'd love to hear it...
This whole module was spot on. Thanks for covering a vulnerable topic with depth, honesty and some laughs. I don't think most guys talk through any of this stuff with anyone.
(I asked my wife's permission to share this). When she was around 2 months PP with our first son, it was a weird ordeal because her breasts were full of milk and huge (amazing), but they were hard and really painful (not amazing), so the whole thing felt like it could be great but just wasn't. One day when I was in the shower, she got in with me and randomly goes, "Hey babe, watch this." She proceeded to squeeze one boob with both hands and literally five streams of milk went shooting in different directions. It was so ridiculous that we both died laughing and I remember just really loving that she took a kind of downer situation and made it something we could both crack up about. Even though sex is my favorite, I still can appreciate that not all intimacy looks the same.
Thanks for this module. It was so good.
Chris Kern
Module 5
Postpartum Care USA
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