so passed, need to take it upon myself to push for more education in the business environment. Outside of that, the test was literally a walk in the park. I would have completed it with about ~ an hour and 15 minutes to spare, but chose to crawl through the last 60 sets of questions. regardless of the BT, i am more than happy to accept an AT overall score and move on.
For all of you who are working and studying towards this goal, I lend you this one advice. Just take it! it will surprise you on how it's more bark than bite and you can as i did, apply mindset and process understanding to fly through it. For those who are retaking the exam, you know what the test is, just focus on understanding the knowledge of how to apply PMI principles. I VERY HIGHLY suggest you review Mr. Mohommed Rahim and his YouTube content to understand the essence of applying the logic.
Lastly, you too! can take this exam and pass. Just apply the PMI logic. Do not be afraid of the exam. Don't let the fear of failure overrule the fear of gain. You will often be surprised of the results when you just take on a challenge.
Good luck to all of those who are aspiring, you have this in the bag. Never lose sight and dare to just get it done and have the resilience to pick yourself up and try again.
Best of luck and wishes to all you guys and don't forget to add me on LinkedIn.
Eric Smithers
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