Ask Me the Silliest Phonics Question You’ve Ever Had!
Hello members! What is your child learning this week?
Feel free to ask me anything that you always wanted to know. Don’t hesitate to ask the silliest question you’ve ever had—let’s see if I or another member can help answer it!
The question should be related to phonics!
😁Let’s also see who can ask the silliest question.
Active learners always have questions! If you don’t have any, you might not be fully taking advantage of your free membership or learning enough.
92% of members are still at level 1. That means they have not taken any action.
So go ahead, ask away, and let’s keep the learning going!
Sampa Chakraborty
Ask Me the Silliest Phonics Question You’ve Ever Had!
Phonics Reading
Is your child struggling with reading and spelling? I can help with my 10+ years of experience teaching children to read and spell with phonics.
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