I’m considering starting a new offer called “The Snapshot Club”
Every month we deliver a new AI Bot with a unique snapshot that does something extremely useful.
For example, so far we have released a reactivation snapshot, live transfer snapshot, and inception bot snap shot.
I have some incredibly unique snapshots lined up over the next 6 months (1 a month) that will literally make people drool!
My outbound appointment script for AI bots is currently being tweaked and revised and will literally blow peoples minds!
This membership with be $97/mo
I would run it through Skool so that I can just upload it and every one on that plan would get access.
If I launch this… would you sign up? Let me know your thoughts below.
I normally don’t do this “ask” stuff… but this is a big commitment for me so I’m wanting to see if there’s a need. I mean clearly people can see I release cool stuff ha.