21-Day Challenge?
I've been messaging with a lot of you to see how best to help you in your journey and one thing that comes up a lot is, "I need a group like this to start/keep moving"
I was thinking of doing a 21-day challenge to help get everyone going!
I can provide workouts, nutrition guidance and trainings, your job would be to do something (a workout, a nutrition habit or healthy habit) and we will keep track to try to be consistent
You'll also get points for posting on the community page here, replying and liking others' post cause who doesn't like support and some cheerleading?
I haven't figured out a prize just yet, but there will def be a prize
Would this interest anyone? Vote below and if we get enough Yea votes then I'll start putting it all together
I'm interested!
No thank you
26 votes
Rob Brown
21-Day Challenge?
Home workouts, sustainable nutrition, supportive network of real people with real lives.
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