Welcome to Lower Back University!
So what is this community?
It's a community where I teach content creators how to eliminate lower back pain.
But who am I and why am I claiming this?
My name is Gabe.
- I’m a personal trainer that specializes in getting rid of lower back pain.
- I’ve helped over 30 people eliminate back pain
- I’ve been obsessed with exercise science for the past 4 years now and absolutely love doing this.
This is for you if:
- Sits or stands a lot(8-10 hours+) due to work
- Exercises semi regularly or regularly
- Has lower back pain, and WANTs to eliminate it.
So now, what's in the community?
- Forums to ask questions & share value.
- Weekly Q&A's
- Custom offers to eliminate low back pain.
Now what are you doing?
Go join!