🚨 POLL: Biggest Fear About Selling Advice?
Hello PackageSell Family! 🌟
In our shared adventure of entrepreneurship within the PackageSell community, I'm eager to engage with the collective wisdom of our incredible members.
It's natural to experience uncertainty and apprehension on this path, and that's perfectly fine.
By understanding these concerns, we can craft more effective content, courses, and support mechanisms to help you master them.
So, let's have an honest conversation: What is your greatest fear in the realm of entrepreneurship?
Your insights will be crucial in shaping our resources to meet your specific needs.
Together, let's face and conquer these challenges! 💪
Please share your thoughts in the poll below, or if your particular fear isn’t listed, feel free to discuss it in the comments.
Your perspective is incredibly important to us!
Use the Poll Questions below to give us your feedback.
Remember, in the PackageSell community, recognizing each fear is a significant stride towards overcoming it.
United, we can turn these fears into foundations for our success.
Here’s to a journey without fear,
P.S.: Don’t forget to participate in the poll and share your strategies for tackling these fears.
Fear of Failure - Worried about not succeeding
Financial Insecurity - Unpredictability of Income
Lack of Knowledge/Expertise - Don't have enough background to do this
Responsibility Overwhelm - managing all the aspects of a solo venture
Imposter Syndrome - not qualified to teach or guide people
Market Saturation - too many other people teaching this
Life/Business Balance - taking too much time
Scaling - how to make it big enough to be worth it
4 votes
Chuck Ellis
🚨 POLL: Biggest Fear About Selling Advice?
I help GenX unlock monthly income sharing their knowledge in a paid community without a bunch of complicated, expensive high tech
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