🚨 Only 2 Days Left for Skool Speedrun!! 🚨
The application deadline for the first-ever Skool cohort called Skool Speedrun ends on 8/11. At that time, they will begin evaluating the submissions.
If you aren't aware of what this is, it is a FREE private coaching offer from Alex Hormozi (the co-owner of Skool and Andrew Kirby (a 6-figure community host inside Skool) to help you grow your paid group to $10k month in 90 days. This will be an INTENSE sprint towards a 5-figure a month paid community.
They are only accepting 100 members. There are going to be requirements such as 35 hours a week dedicated to doing this. If you have another job, you'll just have to figure out a way to make this #1 and if you're not willing to make this a priority and make those commitments.... don't apply.
But if you do, think of the return on your time, quitting that job you may not love or scaling back on it?
Why are they doing this?
Quite frankly they are going to advertise the SH*T out of these results to explode Skool growth. The 100 people are going to be mentored in a detailed, proven step-by-step process that the past Skool Games winners share in common.
If you're up for the challenge, here's the LINK TO APPLY.
They also require a loom video of 30-90 seconds explaining why you want this. I have included mine below.
Even if you're not chosen, I know there is a protocol they will share with the rest of the applicants just for submitting. You will be able to follow that and create an incredible transformation in the profitability of your group.
Don't miss this opportunity to sprint toward success. APPLY HERE!
I have included my submission video below. I would love to see yours as well.
Submission is in, fingers crossed 🤞
Not yet but I will get it done!
They won't pick me, why bother 🤔
4 votes
Chuck Ellis
🚨 Only 2 Days Left for Skool Speedrun!! 🚨
I help GenX unlock monthly income by creating your Skool group with our FREE 7-day Build Your Skool Challenge. 🚫 high tech or software. All-in-one.
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