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Start Here - Introduce Yourself 🎉
Welcome to the Outdoor Industry Network! We are stoked to have you here. We want to keep the Outdoor Industry Network a positive, fun and spam-free community and welcoming for anyone. You can help by following these rules. If you violate the rules you may be removed from the community. Thank you for respecting the rules. As soon as you finish reading the rules please introduce yourself! Include your name, location, outdoorsy bio and what you're working professionally or creatively. ✅ Treat everyone with respect. Absolutely no harassment or hate speech will be tolerated; including sexism, racism, or being self-righteous. ✅ No spam, self-promotion or promotion of your products and services. This is a community for the outdoor industry to connect and spammy or self-promotey stuff is not allowed. If you are unsure, contact me. ✅ No politics. We don't discuss politics here. Facebook or Twitter or starting a blog is a better place to discuss politics or related topics. This group is for outdoor industry professionals, networking and for generally just being outdoor nerds. We want this group to be a welcoming space for the outdoor industry. Just don't be "that person" -- Y'all know what I'm talking about. These rules are subject to change at any time. By proceeding to use the Outdoor Industry Network community you are agreeing to the rules. That's it! Keep it clean, keep it fun, share what you're working on and enjoy! 👉 Now that we've got the rules out of the way, please head over to the chat and introduce yourself asap
Hey y'all
Hey y'all 👋. My name is Seth Hall. I am a multi-hyphenate creative and digital nomad (currently in Bend, OR as I write this) experiencing nature and adventure as I travel the US with my wife and kids. I just wrapped a short film as producer which took FOREVER!!! 😭 and I am currently working as a Senior Web Developer 👍 😃. Happy to connect with like minded folks in The Outdoor Network!
New comment Sep '23
9/1 Newsletter just dropped!
Hey gang, this weeks letter just dropped! I felt like last week's wasn't the best so I really tried to bring the heat this week. Enjoy!
Hey y'all! I'm Bethany :) Currently located in South Florida (born and raised 😎) A little bit about me, I grew up playing basically any and every sport. Although, competitive soccer is ultimately what I dedicated my time to. I'm outside at pretty much every opportunity I get. Whether its riding my bike, climbing a tree, hiking, swimming in the ocean, etc. I try my best to go on little adventures in my community each week. I'm not currently working on any projects but I am in the process of looking to switch my career path to something involved in the Outdoor Industry. Looking forward to connecting with you all. Thank you Kyle for creating this community :) Cheers!
New comment Aug '23
Kick off
Hey gang - I know it's a small group in here as we're just getting this started and sorry for the migration from Slack but would be awesome to get some introductions going! Even if you just copy and paste your old one... Anyone wanna help me out with the first one?!
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