This tactic was used by Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Grant Cardone Enterprises and Jordan Belfort
❌ Stop Chasing Vanity Metrics πŸ“ˆ
πŸ”Š Focus on Outcome Based Marketing to Close More Deals 🀝
They didn't focus on vanity metrics,
They prioritized outcomes that led to organic and that's Real Business Growth πŸ’Ή
In today’s digital world Likes, Reposts, and Impressions are often mistaken for success.
But metrics like these don't close deals - SALES CALLS do.
⬇ Input comes with outcome based marketing, where every action leads to organic business results.
When getting on a Sales Call πŸ“ž
Focus should be on the customer's pain points, not how many people liked the post.
γ€½ Organic conversation is where the magic happens with closing deals, building trust, and creating long term business relationships. Vanity metrics may look good on paper πŸ“œ
but they don't build revenue πŸ’²
⬆ Shift your mindset from chasing numbers to generating leads that convert into real business.
πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Ready to move beyond the vanity metrics? Start focusing on outcomes and watch your sales GROW !!
Noman Memon
This tactic was used by Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Grant Cardone Enterprises and Jordan Belfort
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