Part four - How to Build Your Email List with Chatbots - How can you grow your email list with chatbots?
Chatbots can save you a lot of time and effort when it comes to building your list of email subscribers, the reason being is because they're automated.
You might envision chatbots as "basic" tools that ask website and page visitors "Is there anything I can help you with?" before fading into existence. However, a chatbot can really be so much more than that. So, what are some methods of growing your email list with chatbots?
“With a chat”
Okay, this may sound a little too obvious, but there's more to it than that. The key is to use a chat as a lead capture opportunity. When a customer (or potential customer) reaches out to a chatbot, let it ask for their email address outright. This is a great organic way to capture email addresses. Meanwhile, you can also send a summary of the chat directly to their email once the conversation ends.
“Offer a discount”
Sometimes, a lead will need a little more incentive to provide their email address, and there's nothing wrong with that, I actually fall under this category of subscribers. After all, many people are hesitant to give out an email address without good reason.
One effective way to get an email address out of a visitor is to offer a special discount in return, an ethical bribe in a way.
For example, your chatbot may be set up to recognize when a user is shopping on your eCommerce page. The chatbot messenger can be used to offer a discount off their purchase, but to get the coupon code, the visitor needs to provide their email address. Then you can send a one-time promotional code directly to their email.
“Provide a lead magnet”
For those who may not be shopping online, there are other incentives to consider offering in exchange for an email address.
This is a great opportunity, for example, to use a lead magnet to your advantage.
A chatbot could reach out to a user who is reading a blog post or social media post about a particular topic. From there, the chatbot could offer a free eBook (or another lead magnet) on that topic in exchange for an email address. This can be a great way to put your existing lead magnet funnels to work without having to lift a finger.
“Gamify your chatbot”
This is another strategy to consider, when done right it can keep users engaged and coming back for more. There are many different ways to gamify a chatbot.
Consider, for example, having your chatbot offer a quiz or survey to your subscriber. If the user wants to see the results, they can be emailed upon completion.
Ian Wallace Harper
Part four - How to Build Your Email List with Chatbots - How can you grow your email list with chatbots?
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