When Debt Collectors Can't Sue You, The Stigma Behind Bankruptcy & Why You Shouldn't Get A Loan In Kentucky
Hey Everyone hope you're all having a phenomenal day i just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that I just dropped 6 videos & 1 info post over in the Debt Resolution Section.
Although the Debt Resolution section is not fully complete, I wanted to send this out in case anybody wants to get a head start. Here is why the 6 videos I dropped & Info post are so important
Statute Of Limitations ⏰ - This video breaks down why knowing the statute of limitations on your debt is so important (Hint: If your old debt is past the statute of limitations it becomes OPTIONAL to pay it)
Statute Of Limitations By State πŸ“°- This is not a video but an info post. Inside you'll find the 4 categories of debt AND you'll be able to see what the statute of limitation is for each category for each state πŸ”₯
Time-Barred Debt πŸ” - This video is important because once the debt is OUTSIDE of the statute of limitations it becomes known as TIME-BARRED DEBT, but what does this mean exactly, and how can you use this If a creditor is suing you?
Item Got Removed, Should I Pay It ❔ - This breaks down my thought process on why you should consider paying off old debt AFTER it has been removed from your credit report.
Bankruptcy Chapter 7 vs Chapter 13 πŸ’° - What's The difference between these two completely different types of bankruptcy that you as a consumer have access to? I also give my opinion on which type of bankruptcy is better.
The Stigma Behind Bankruptcy 🀫 - I break down some of the most common myths when it comes to bankruptcy (Hint: you can have a 700+ credit score and have a bankruptcy on file & even purchase a home)
How To Rebuild Post Bankruptcy ⏳ - Here is where most people go wrong, they file for bankruptcy and forget all about their credit for 7 years. In reality, they should be focusing on how to rebuild it. In this video, I go over the ins and outs of rebuilding post-bankruptcy.
I want to thank each and every one of you for rocking with me!!! I know NuLeaf Academy has been a work in progress for a while but I promise it will all be worth it one day!
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Edgar Cruz
When Debt Collectors Can't Sue You, The Stigma Behind Bankruptcy & Why You Shouldn't Get A Loan In Kentucky
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