It's not failing that scares me anymore.
It's succeeding at the wrong thing.
Let me explain...
Most people I meet are so focused on "making it work" that they forget to ask themselves one crucial question...
"Is this really the highest expression of what I'm capable of?"
Because here's the thing...
You might succeed at dropshipping.
You might make it work as a VA.
You might build a decent freelance business.
But is that really the best you've got?
Is that really what you're capable of?
Or are you just settling for what seems "doable"?
You can spend the next 5 years building someone else's dream. You can make "okay" money doing "okay" work. You can play it safe and stay comfortable.
But one day you're going to look back and ask yourself...
"What if I had aimed higher?"
"What if I had built something that actually mattered?"
"What if I had gone all in on what I was truly capable of?"
Don't let that be you.
What are you actually capable of?