Some quick tips for growing on YouTube
Just wrote some detailed YouTube feedback for on his latest video and thought these tips would be valuable for the whole community.
Thumbnails need attention on YouTube.
Text is often way too small with too much of it.
Here's the thing with YouTube thumbnails - less text often works better than more.
Remember people mostly watch YouTube on their phones.
If you're going to use text, make it 1-2 massive words that complement your title.
Including faces in thumbnails is crucial.
If you're on camera, grab some proper photos (not video screenshots).
People are hardwired to recognise faces and connect with them.
Titles are 90% of growing on YouTube NOT retention.
Don't believe me, checkout the screenshots with data to back it up.
Higher click view trumps view duration every time.
Your titles need to be curiosity-based and implant a question in people's subconscious that makes them HAVE to click.
Our number one goal here is to stop the thumb.
My Thailand video hit 300K+ views because of this:
"These People in Thailand Are Not Your Friends!"
It worked because people couldn't scroll past without knowing...
What people?
Who is he talking about?
Is he talking about Thai people?
Why aren't they my friends?
Could this affect me?
It invoked a subconscious hardwired response (lizard brain).
Watch the attached video to go deeper on this lizard brain concept.
Keep titles under 10 words and make every word count - that's copywriting in a nutshell.
Study copywriting titles and you'll crush it on YouTube.
Here's the framework I use to plan videos:
  • Hook
  • Intro (tell them what you're going to tell them)
  • Talking point 1 (tell them)
  • Talking point 2 (tell them)
  • Talking point 3 (tell them)
  • Conclusion (tell them what you just told them)
Content will naturally improve over time.
Audio can always be polished - try Auphonic for processing.
Key thing to remember...
People are on YouTube primarily for entertainment.
Keep the complex stuff for your backend product.
Beginners make up 95% of the market, so dumb it down... and then dumb it down again.
Who else is working on YouTube right now?
Drop your channels below 👇
Brett Dev
Some quick tips for growing on YouTube
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