Ever wonder why some people "make it" and others don't?
I was listening to something interesting the other day...
There's this really simple formula that most people miss:
Want something + Work really hard + Create something people will pay for = Success
That's it.
Not "manifest success"
Not "visualize wealth"
Not "wait for the perfect moment"
You need all three pieces:
You've got to want it bad enough to actually do something about it.
You've got to put in the work (yeah, the actual hard work).
And you've got to create something people actually want to pay for.
Miss any of these? It won't work.
Want it but don't work? Nothing happens.
Work hard on something nobody wants? Waste of time.
Create something people want but half-ass it? Someone else will do it better.
Which piece are you missing?
Brett Dev
Ever wonder why some people "make it" and others don't?
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