Ever noticed how there's always a "perfect time" to start?
You know what I mean...
"I'll start when I have more savings"
"I'll start when I learn to code"
"I'll start when the market is better"
"I'll start when I have more experience"
Look, I get it.
I used all these excuses too.
But here's the thing I finally realised...
These aren't actually reasons.
They're just creative ways of saying "I'm scared to start"
And you want to know something wild?
Every single successful nomad I know started BEFORE they felt ready.
They started before they had enough savings.
They started before they had the perfect skills.
They started before they felt confident.
They started before they knew what they were doing.
That's the secret nobody tells you...
Nobody ever feels ready.
Nobody ever feels like they know enough.
Nobody ever feels like it's the "perfect time"
So here's my question...
What's your "I'll start when..." excuse?
And more importantly...
Are you finally ready to drop it?
Brett Dev
Ever noticed how there's always a "perfect time" to start?
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