Something that’s been coming up a lot with new clients, music or otherwise, is Facebook bans.
Generally speaking, the more money you spend on the platform, the better FB will treat you. You’ll get access to reps and far greater leeway with policy violations. However, if you’re starting up a new Business Manager it’s nigh-guaranteed you’ll be faced with a deluge of bans before you even touch the ads manager.
- Setting up a Business Manager for the first time? Ban, no explanation given.
- You have yet to confirm your identity? Ban until you send in a pic of your ID. Not an automatic process, have to appeal.
- Didn’t set up 2FA (despite there being no instruction to)? Ban.
- Input a URL that directs to a 404 in a draft? You’ll be banned before you even click “publish”.
- Run your first ad? Ban, no explanation given.
Getting banned on FB is almost a rite of passage, even if you haven’t violated their rather strict advertising policies (which I’d advise you’d closely familiarize yourself with!) Fortunately it’s not that difficult to successfully appeal these early bans. The only downside is that doing so usually takes a few days at a time, as you have to wait for FB to respond to your request. If you’re working with a new client you can assure them that these bans will (very likely) be lifted in due time. This definitely makes getting started a lot more tedious, but it’s something we all just have to deal with. Hope this reassures any of you who have to deal with this moving forward.