Aspiring Music Exec (Drop Linkeldn)
Wassup ya, Terell here! Im an aspiring music exec with intern/fellow exp at UMG and WMG at Howard U. Loved music growing up in Brooklyn being a Musician for 10+ years with several performances at Carnegie Hall to NBA/NFL/MLB stages, joining music frat🤟🏾, while also receiving over $50,000 in music scholarships playing in bands (marching, jazz, symphonic, etc…). At Howard, I networked my way into opportunities with WMG and UMG as a music business fellow and a strategic analytics intern, respectively in 2021/2022. I’m taking this time now to learn, grow and expand my network in the industry before starting something new. Great to meet ya and be a part of this community!
Terell Watson
Aspiring Music Exec (Drop Linkeldn)
No Labels Necessary
Learn how to grow your fanbase without a label. Learn from the team behind Billboard #1 hits with 15+ years of experience in the industry.
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