NextGen Merchants
Private group
59 members
Pioneer the 4th Industrial Revolution with us!
To start,
Conduct a Great Reset of Your Mind
To become free from the restrictions
that have been used to domesticate you.
With this fresh new Mindset,
one of "I can do all things"
you start speaking a new language
To the degree we heal ourselves
from the language of slavery,
(renewal of the mind)
we will take back our individual economies
we will secure our nation's economy
You see,
in the course
of human events,
it becomes necessary
that we bury the words,
"I can't"
and practice the Language of Freedom.
From there,
the free people
build a free nation.
Meet with the pioneers
as they redefine wealth and abundance
with 'futuristic' businesses in more than 6 different industries.
  • Live-streaming co-work spaces
  • Marketing/Branding Strategy
  • Dozens of hours of Q&A
  • World-event commentary
  • Trend-spotting for opportunists
  • Self-Sovereignty in a Digital World
We're excited to watch you grow with our movement.
NextGen Merchants
Learn to craft a life of purpose,
thrive through The Great Reset,
and pioneer the 4th Industrial Revolution with us.
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