Welcome to the Mountain!
Hello everyone and welcome to the Never Peak community!
We are thrilled to welcome you to Never Peak, a community dedicated to those who strive for holistic success and continuous growth. In a world that often glorifies peaking and settling for momentary success, we take a different approach. Here, we believe that achieving greatness in one area of life is just the beginning. Our mission is to climb the mountain, reach the top, and then set our sights on the next peak, using our experiences to climb higher and help more people along the way.
We understand that true leaders recognize the importance of balance and the interconnectedness of all areas of life. If one area is weak, it can affect the whole system. That's why we strive to empower leaders in all areas of their life so that they can tackle their biggest goals head on.
Thank you joining the group- I look forward to meeting and learning from each and every one of you. I truly believe that we all have something to give.
Please take a moment to introduce in the comments below.
  1. What is your name?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. What is your business? Your nonprofit? Where you work?
  4. What are you looking forward to learning the most here?
  5. Why is a community like this important to you?
  6. What is the next peak your looking to reach?
  7. BONUS: Share a picture of you after your last achievement and what you learned about yourself during that time.
Ranger Kielak
Welcome to the Mountain!
Never Peak: The First Step
How to make your dreams a reality- from a guy that walked across America.
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