Community Updates 8/25/24
👋 Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and making great strides toward your goals!
🚶‍♂️ I’m finishing my Walk Across America on August 31st. After that, I’ll be diving even deeper into our Skool community!
📚 Classroom Update:
I spent most of today working on the official course for this group:
"Taking the First Steps - The Peaks Program"
🎉 The first course is complete! Take some time to start working through the program, and let me know your thoughts—I’d love to hear your feedback!
📅 Activity Update:
🏆 Monthly Challenges: The first monthly challenge will start on September 1st. Any suggestions on what it should be? 🤔
🎓 Workshops: The last week of September I’ll host our first workshop for the community. What would y'all like to learn? 📚
🎙️ Podcast Guests: The Never Peak Project Podcast will be launching very soon. My plan is to have 1-2 guests each month do a live Q&A with our community. 💬
💬 Community Spotlight: I want to highlight some of the amazing progress you all are making! If you have a win or milestone you'd like to share, drop it in the comments or send me a message. Let's celebrate your achievements together! 🏅
🔔 Membership Update:
We’re currently at 16 members! 🎉 Once we hit 25 members, the price will increase to $19/month. At 50 members, it’ll go to $29, at 75 members it’ll be $39, and after 100 members, it’ll be $49.
💡 Pro Tip: Everyone who joins now will lock in their current rate for life, so be sure to invite any friends who would benefit from this program!
Thanks for being part of this journey with me—I can’t wait to see what we accomplish together!
Ranger Kielak
Community Updates 8/25/24
Never Peak: The First Step
How to make your dreams a reality- from a guy that walked across America.
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