Question: Dosing and Frequency, Higher and More Often!
I'm thrilled to share the joy of our new studies and the expanding understanding of alternative therapies like psilocybin. As more people explore these paths, we uncover deeper insights into well-being and consciousness. Recently, during a one-on-one coaching call, a client opened up about their past addiction to marijuana. It's common to hear that certain substances are non-addictive, but the reality is more nuanced. While the substance itself might not be addictive, the state of consciousness it induces can be highly addictive.
I've also encountered individuals puzzled by their higher tolerance and lack of expected effects from psychedelics. This brings us to the importance of protocols, taking regular breaks, and recognizing the unique factors influencing each person's experience with mushrooms. Especially with larger doses, understanding the "Tolerance Effect" is crucial.
The Tolerance Effect
Depending on the dose, a significant tolerance effect can set in shortly after psilocybin reaches the brain. This means that if a dose seems ineffective, taking more shortly after won't help and can lead to unexpected experiences. The tolerance effect isn't fully understood but likely involves tryptamine molecules binding to brain receptors and "shutting the door" on others, preventing further immediate effects. These doors remain shut until the molecules break down, which can take days.
Veteran users often wait five days between doses, with some needing up to a week. This waiting period ensures that subsequent doses are effective and minimizes potential negative experiences. Mixing different tryptamines or using blocking medications during this period can also hinder the effectiveness of your next dose.
Microdosing Considerations
A common question is whether it's safe to microdose daily. This question has multiple layers:
  1. Is it safe for my brain and body to microdose every day?
  2. What are the long-term effects of daily microdosing?
  3. What happens when I stop microdosing after daily use?
While more research is needed to answer the first two questions, we can draw insights from the third. Long-term use of any substance, including microdoses, can lead to dependency on the altered state of consciousness it provides. While psilocybin is not directly comparable to prescription medications, the desire for peace and happiness often drives us to seek solutions that may not require substances at all.
Protocols and Mindfulness
Following specific protocols with built-in breaks and time gaps after each session is vital. This approach aligns with the recommendations of many studies and experts. As Dr. Hawkins emphasized, finding higher states of consciousness without substances helps us with auto-regulation rather than relying on self-regulation through external means.
Personal Reflections
In my experience and that of many others, more is not always better. We have the potential to turn any beneficial practice into a harmful one if not approached mindfully. Being open-minded and exploring alternative options for well-being can lead to profound insights and improvements in our lives.
Thank you for your thoughtful questions and for joining me on this journey of spiritual growth and consciousness exploration. Remember, in the pursuit of expanding and healing our minds, there is no right or wrong—only mindfulness and understanding of our experiences.
Wishing you all great success in climbing the levels of consciousness.
Larger Dosing Feedback
Most medications are taken daily, often multiple times a day. Tryptamines aren’t used that way – a dose of medication is typically taken every five days or once a week. Most people will have to wait several days after a first dose before a second dose will have much effect. This "shutting the door" mechanism, a kind of tolerance effect, is essential to understand for effective use.
The Tolerance Effect: Depending on the size of the dose, the door-slamming effect kicks in after about a half-hour after the tryptamine reaches the brain. If the dose seems too small, taking more an hour later won't help and can lead to unexpected experiences. The high-tolerance effect is well-known but not fully understood. It involves tryptamine molecules binding to brain receptors, shutting the door on other sites for several days until the molecules break down.
The bottom line: it is helpful to wait 4 or 5 days between higher tryptamine doses and avoid all other known blocking medications during that time as well.
Have an amazing day AND Keep the questions coming:)
Justen Martin
Question: Dosing and Frequency, Higher and More Often!
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